About Me

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Hello all!
I'm Lauren...Welcome to my blog!

Some quick stuff about myself: I'm a 21 year-old senior at Syracuse University, majoring in the graphic design in the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications.
This is what I've got to show for myself (so far)...enjoy, comment & criticize!
Click on any of the images to enlarge.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Website Design/Graphic Standards Manual

Requirements: Create a website for the fictional toy company created for the logo project that incorporates an online version of the annual report assignment as well as a graphic standards manual for use of the logo.
All text, photographs and graphic elements are original with the exception of the "Lego" trophy, the video control panel, taken from YouTube for the appearance of an embedded video and the maze, which has been edited for my purposes.


Annual Report Page:

Introduction to Graphic Standards (also known as graphic guidelines) Manual:

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