About Me

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Hello all!
I'm Lauren...Welcome to my blog!

Some quick stuff about myself: I'm a 21 year-old senior at Syracuse University, majoring in the graphic design in the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications.
This is what I've got to show for myself (so far)...enjoy, comment & criticize!
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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

International Typographic Style

For this project, also a part of my typography class, we were assigned design movements and instructed to create a poster for an exhibit in that style.
The design had to be 80% typography and had to include a paragraph about the movement.

Eventually, I'd like to rework the text to make it smaller and less bulky, but this is the poster as of now.

I came up with the exhibit title "Deus Ex Machina" or "God From the Machine" which is a term used in Greek theater. I found it fitting for the precision of the Swiss style, as it seemed to me that symmetry and perfect execution is holy for these designers.

1 comment:

Greg said...

Diggin' this poster a lot - not sure if you need all the text / hard rotation.